quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2008

Russian Dolls

"If I think about all the girls I've known or slept with or just desired, they're like a bunch of Russian dolls. We spend our lives playing the game dying to know who'll be the last, the teeny-tiny one hidden inside all the others. You can't just get to her right away. You have to follow the progression. You have to open them one by one wondering: Is she the last one?"

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Girls don't cry for Louie...

Girls don't cry for Louie

He wouldn't waste a tear on you

When you walk the streets for Louie

You ain't walking down no avenue

I met Louie on an early morning

In a sleazy part of town

I was tipsy and feeling kind'a lonely

Louie offered me his arm

He said: you and I we'll burn this town

domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

La Donna è Mobile

A mais antiga das verdades...
La Donna èt Mobile ( A mulher é volátil )

La donna èt mobile
qual piuma al vento
muta d'accento
e di pensiero

(A mulher é volátil, tal como uma pena que voa,
muda a sua voz e a sua forma de pensar)


O simbolo chines para a crise é composto por três caracteres. Um deles significa perigo (ameaça) os outros oportunidade..